Wednesday, May 18, 2011



I decided just to write a second part for "Drama Queen". Here's the new title: "A Royal Wedding?"

Cool, huh?

Well, thanks for voting! You can still vote on the other one though, I like to see what you guys like. :)

I am going to see Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides this Friday. It's gonna be SWEET!

So long, matey's! Until we meet again!

- Madison Lousie <3


  1. Have fun! :D You r e-mail didn't work, btw, could I contact you any other way?

  2. It didn't? I don't know what's wrong with it. I get emails all the time. Hmmm, it's:

    It's just the title of this blog all together with at the end. If that helps.
    And if that doesn't help, go to my facebook page and do it on there. It's a picture right? So you could just post it on my wall. :)

    I will! My dad just bought tickets. It's gonna be SWEETNESS. :D


I love reading what you guys have to say! But make sure it's clean. I will try and reply. Thanks for taking time to comment/read my blog!