Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Friday!

Well, it's Friday again, and here's another looooong post about what I did. You can read it, or not. Your choice. hehe

On Monday, I didn't write my book as much because it was a busy day, and I really didn't know what to write about. But I did go to Bible Study. And that's always fun. :)

On Tuesday, I had school, and wrote more. Then, I went to C.R.Y. (Celebrate Recovery Youth) at my church and then my friend came home with me for a sleep over. And I won THE IRON KNIGHT by: Julie Kagawa.
(I was sooooo excited!! Still

On Wens., I had more school, and I wrote more. And I went to my church again for dance, and I saw my friends and the guy I like. Which made my day better. lol.

Then, on Thursday, I had school and wrote a TON. I had a online class about space, but the guy teaching it, talked more about the Big Bang than stars. Which made me upset, because God created the earth. And I said that, but they said God couldn't be proven. And I was really upset. I even quoted Scripsure: Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth."

And today is Friday. I have written a lot, getting closer to my first kissing scene in the book. hehe. I think you guys are going to love it!

Random fact I learned and interested me: Snake's wind pipe's are where are TONGUES would be. (I thought this was awesome.)

And as you can see, my blog is re-done. Thanks to Sophie! (read her blog here: Shutter (Blessed). Didn't she do a great job? I think so, she made my button, header and signature. :)

Hope you guys have a great rest of the day!!


1 comment:

  1. Sweet! They blog looks great :D I am so glad you like it :D


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