Sunday, December 11, 2011

Feathers Dec. 14th!

Hey guys!!

I just finished editing FEATHERS. It took me...*counts mentually* 2 hours. lol Not long actually. I just fixed spelling and some grammar. Nothing huge.

In other news, I finished almost revising Shadow Future. It's getting published, so I'm trying to make it as best as I can.
Also, I went to a lock in on Friday. 8pm-6am we stayed up. I got 1 hour of sleep, then I went home and slept for five hours and then got up for 5ish hours and my friends came home, then I got up this morning for church, I watched my lil sis sing in the Kids Choir.
I was really tired, and sore. So it was a good day to edit. hehe

Well, there's only one more Teaser Tuesday until FEATHERS comes out! I can't wait until you guys read it. :))) Here's the cover again:

I just though of name isn't on the cover. Oopsey. lolzz

Well, bye for now! Go to: to read FEATHERS on Dec. 14th!



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I love reading what you guys have to say! But make sure it's clean. I will try and reply. Thanks for taking time to comment/read my blog!