Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve!!

Hey everyone!!!

Merry Christmas Eve!! Are you guys excited? I sure am. :)

I already got some awesome gifts from my Nana and Papa. I'll probably post pics later.

I'm dancing at my church tonight. (2 hours of awesomeness!) nervous. Pray for me.

I also have a cough, but that's almost gone. I'm super happy about that!!

Ok, so as a Christmas present, here's a little paragraph from SHADOW FUTURE.

I braced myself. I can do this. Adskhan and Arnold are nervous too. I kept telling myself.

Then I felt hands on me and I was forced to stand up.

My heart beat in my ears.

I made my legs work. One by one. Step by step.

I looked at the ground and the hands stopped me.

I sensed the figure before me stand.

I could sense his nerves. And how nervous he was. But I couldn’t sense who it was.

I was told to put out my left hand.

I did, my heart felt like it would come out of me. And fly across the room and hit an Elder in the face. I smirked at that image, but vanished when I remembered what I was doing.

Then the boy before me, reached out from behind his cloak and took my left hand in his, and he removed the glove, like thousands of couples have done for decades.

And he lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it.

And immediately I knew who it was. I…I couldn’t believe who it was.

Annnnnd, one more thing, a littlie piece of the REAL cover:

Merry Christmas everyone!! "God bless us! Everyone!" - Tiny Tim.


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