Friday, June 17, 2011

Thoughts and Other Stuff

Hey all!

It's kinda of short notice, but what should I get my awesomely awesome dad for Father's Day????

In other news..."A Royal Wedding?" is coming along great! There are robots in it, if anyone thinks those are cool....And romance......(just some spoilers)

I have moved into another house and I have caught a cold, which isn't cool. But the highlight of my day was I went to a birthday party and we had Nerf Wars. Now THAT was fun. (:

Here's a little clip from the new book: '
“Those aren’t news people. They aren’t even human.”' - Madeline

Mysterious isn't it? ;)

Well, bye for now! And don't forget to tell me some good ideas to what I can get for my dad!

- Maddie L


  1. My opinion would be to write him a short story, a funny, action short one that u could write tomorrow and sunday morning and give it to him later sunday night if u needed to. That's just my idea though :)

  2. That sounds so exciting! I can't wait to read it!:D Another thing, NerfWars are Soooooooo Fuuuuuun!


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